Chapter 1.

Lilith represents;

Published: September 3, 2019

Author: Noor Bongers

Lilith represents the comeback of pure feminine quality on earth. In ourselves, in our society and in our leadership and the things we do. In balance with masculine energy of course.

Noor Bongers explored this research domain during 2014-2021. She hosted seven leadership programs, in which all the issues on collective and personal level revealed. She published The Awakening of Lilith, together with Herman Wijffels in 2018. And The Transformation of Adam in 2019. Felice Derkinderen published on invitation of Noor Bongers ‘De Spiegel van Lilith‘ (not translated in English) in 2021. This trilogy gives a deep insight in rebalancing feminine and masculine values and qualities. In ourselves and in our society.

If you want to explore deeper. On personal or governance level, please contact Noor Bongers.


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